The HUMAN implications of ChatGPT

As someone who is passionate and committed to the way humans connect and experience the world and each other, I am curious about the impact ChatGPT may have on some of our basic Human Skills.  To me, there is something unique and special about the way humans can work together to create and innovate and solve complex problems.  Having seen the potential for what ChatGPT can do particularly in the realm of problem-solving it has left me wondering what may be the human implications if Artificial Intelligence (AI) clears the way for us by answering our big hairy questions and solving our big hairy problems.

Don’t get me wrong this technology is innovative and a great enabler and I am awed and inspired by the potential it has.  However, my curiosity lies in what the impact may be on the way we think and feel and work in relation to each other.  From my perspective, one of the gifts of complex problems is that they enable humans to work together and bring many minds together as they are simply too big for one person to solve on their own.

When humans come together to solve problems, several interesting things happen physically, energetically and emotionally.  To give context, I want to share with you an experience I had recently that illustrates what I mean by this.

I was working with a group of leaders who had been presented with a complex business problem that they needed to solve.  The ramifications of this problem would impact many people and so the emotional energy and stakes were fairly high.  This was exhibited by a feeling of stress and anxiousness in the room that was palpable.  We stepped into a creative brainstorming process to begin generating potential courses of action and endeavour to create a set of actions if not solve the problem outright.

What was noticeable from an energetic and atmospheric standpoint as we worked through the puzzle pieces and got some possible solutions and courses of action on the table, was a significant lift in energy and transformation of emotion to one of hope, relief and gratitude.  Underlying this also was a sense of satisfaction and fulfilment at what we were able to create together as a collective, bouncing off and building on each other’s ideas.  The other significant impact of this process was the development and deepening of relationships with each other, simply by the shared experience, responsibility and resulting outcome.

It was this experience that got me thinking…

If instead of brainstorming solutions together we were able to type the problem into ChatGPT or some other form of AI I have no doubt we would have received some valid solutions that could have potentially been better than what the group was able to produce.  However, would we have had the opportunity to exercise our collective creativity, build relationships and transform emotions in the same manner?

These fundamental Human Skills are necessary for deepening our experience and interaction with the world, each other and ourselves.  As we advance technologies like AI and automation my hope is that we continue to grow and further our Emotional Intelligence (EQ) at a proportional rate so we can continue to evolve our human experience.


If we are so connected, why are we lacking connection?


Can AI improve EQ?